Leonor - June 2023
I organised a photoshoot with Leonor as she wanted to get some new pictures with her new haircut. It was relatively late in the evening, so we gathered at Little C in Rotterdam to shoot some photos next to the rustic neighbourhood.
With the sun slowly going down, we could work with some soft light, which helped the mood of the pictures a lot. I also really liked the New York feel of Little C.
Little C in Rotterdam - Netherlands
Material used
Nikon D3200 and 50.0 mm lens

Feel inspired to organize your own photoshoot?

Maarten - May 2023
Together with Maarten I wanted to experiment a bit with black and white photography that would fit well with the classic suit that he wore and backdrop of den haag. He has been a photographer since a longe time, so it was exciting to learn a lot from him and also just combine our minds to come up with some fun ideas.
In his suitcase he had a lot of props that we could use during the shoot, which lead to some quick outfit changes and fun concepts hat we could play with.
Review from Maarten:
" I would like to start by saying the results speak for themselves. Being a photographer myself, I am deeply impressed by Alexander’s creative compositions and use of light. The pictures, have a movie like feel and truly tell a story. All in all I am super happy with the results and my shoot was definitely worth it!"
Den Haag Centrum - Netherlands
Material used
Nikon D3200 and 50.0 mm lens
We got excited about the effects of Black and white and started playing with some fun concepts. Here are some more pictures from the same photoshoot:

Hendrik - May 2023
Hendrik was the first person to react when I mentioned that I wanted to practice shooting some portrait photos. We met up in Rotterdam Blaak and slowly moved to the old harbour area, where there were lots of bridges, water and old houses that combined made a beautiful background for the images.
As it was one of the first shoots, it was an exciting learning curve where I could learn how to direct someone how to pose and find some good compositions.
Old Harbour Rotterdam - Netherlands
Material used
Nikon D3200 and 50.0 mm lens
Review from Hendrik:
"This was the first photoshoot I had ever done, so I felt a little awkward at first posing for pictures in the middle of a busy city. However, I had a great time with Alex which made me comfortable quite quickly! The picture turned out awesome as well, I use them for both personal and professional social media. 10/10 would do this again"

Family Photoshoot - March 2023
This was a personal photoshoot with members from my family. It was easter time, so I tried to photograph my nephew Finn with his first easter egg hunt and also make some portraits of my family on the side.
At the end it was a very fun process of capturing an iconic moment that we will now be able to remember for a long time.
Labbeck - Germany
Material used
Nikon D3200 and 50.0 mm lens

PHOS Photoshoot - January 2023
At the Erasmus University there is a student organization called PHOS. They organize meet ups between photographers, models and other creatives. At this specific event the theme was Portraits. They invited 4 different models, that would pose while the rest of the Photographers could practice.
I enjoyed the process a lot and learned a lot from my fellow photographers on how to instruct the model on how to stand. Where the best lighting is, how to frame the shot, etc..
I liked the fact that I could observe so many different techniques and ways of taking a picture from the same model. Even though we were all at the same location at the same day, not a single picture looked a like.
Rotterdam - Netherlands
Material used
Nikon D3200 and 50.0 mm lens

Leonor - 8. January 2023
Once I started getting into Photography my good friend Leonor asked whether I would be interested in shooting some portrait photos with her. We met up at Hotel New York in Rotterdam that provided some interesting backgrounds and settings for the pictures.
She wore a bright red jacket which contrasted really nicely with her surroundings, so it was very interesting to play with it. Moreover, I was very lucky that Leonor had an amazing feeling for how she should pose, which made it a big learning experience for me. For a lot of my future projects I would look back on this one, to see how my models should pose.
Hotel New York - Rotterdam - Netherlands
Material used
Nikon D3200 and 50.0 mm lens

Here are some additional pictures from the projects: